No Free Horses!

No Free Horses!
Shiloh - a rescued horse (date was 7/14)

Monday, March 8, 2010

First Obstacle Course Ride

The weather wasn't sunny for us, but it was certainly comfortable temperature-wise.   Two friends came to ride.  They trailered horses in from northern KS and South Central KS.

We worked with six horses.  Ev's little QH showed some lameness, so she only worked him in the pen and arena, and was able to get him to go over the wooden bridge in the arena as well as ride him over a tarp for the first time . . .

I'm not adept at carrying a camera while riding a goosey horse, and I was on a very goosey mare while taking the following photos . . . and when she saw the shredded tarp/curtain hanging on the trail, she jumped sideways into a cedar tree . . . silly goose . . . so I didn't get photos of that . . . lol . . . but here are a few from Saturday's ride:

Friend, Ev's, Little Gelding
Rick on his QH mare
Ev on Dixie, doing turn on the forehand in "box."
Rick's mare calmly executing her turn.

Over the log jump.

Dragging a log backwards.
Rick's mare was perfect at dragging the log.
Heading back up to the barn after going through the tarp curtain and bridge.

Rick took some photos with his camera, too, so if he has any showing the other obstacles, I will post them.
It was so inspiring to have horsey friends here to train with.  I am hopeful that other friends will come in the near future, to practice these and other obstacles.  I am thankful for a safe weekend.  It was interesting and beneficial for the horses and the riders . . . Each of the six horses experienced the obstacles in different ways, which provided variety, interest, and lessons for each of them as well as for us. 
In connecting the experience to my own life, I am aware that unexpected breaks and obstacles in my own life can be viewed as interesting and beneficial lessons . . . or I can let fear of those obstacles stop me from moving forward . . . and I can jump sideways into a tree, as the gray mare chose to do.  The mare was not allowed to stay in the tree or turn around and retreat . . . we moved forward and faced the scary object and went through it several times until it was no longer a challenge.  In doing so, the mare found that there was no reason to fear, and she gained confidence (and I think I saw her blush in embarrassment over her initial reaction) . . . and ended the ride with a calm, trusting attitude . . .
Just as we can, if we trust the One Who allows the obstacles in our own lives each day.

I am happy to "meet" you, friends of Oz-Girl!
Have a wonderful day in Kansas and Nevada.


  1. What a super fun weekend!! We did have some beautiful weather this weekend!! Lots of rain today, but I'll take that over the snow any day LOL!!!

  2. I agree, CG . . .
    Lots of water obstacles here this morning . . .
    The tractor gave me no resistance at all! ;)


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