No Free Horses!

No Free Horses!
Shiloh - a rescued horse (date was 7/14)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Riding Through the Blog

Today, I'm heading into the unknown (to me) path of blogging.  Oz Girl came to help me yesterday . . . and assured me that the fog will fade and my blog will evolve as I tentatively feel my way along . . . and my hope is that I will meet new friends who will enrich and shed light upon the trail as they share about their wisdom and experiences whenever we join up to ride for a spell.

Looking forward to communicating with bloggers who share similar interests and who appreciate the lessons and experiences that characterize our individual journeys on Earth and our shared journey on the way Home.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful picture and nicely done blog. I have no clue how this works yet I am posting a comment, lol!


Thank you for connecting with me by sharing your thoughts . . . it's one way friendships grow!