No Free Horses!

No Free Horses!
Shiloh - a rescued horse (date was 7/14)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Children . . . More of Life's Treasures . . .

When I was a child, one of my dearest hopes was that I would someday be a "Mom."  Tiny Thumbelinas and Raggedy Anns were my pretend children.  When I wasn't hunting 4-leaf clovers or exploring the woods or dreaming of horses, hours upon hours of my childhood were spent playing "House" or "School."
My life is blessed with four wonderful children, each of whom I am very proud.  My two sons have sons . . . and each of those grandsons will soon have a sibling.  We are waiting to know if they will be sisters or brothers . . . and we don't have long to wait.

When I think back to their childhood years, I remember lots of laughter and noise and activity around the house . . . we often had a house full of kids on a Friday or Saturday night . . . and because we lived on a back road in a small Vermont town and often had to drive a distance to transport friends, there were many sleep overs . . . nighttimes of popcorn and movies (Star Wars was the favorite) and late, lazy pancake breakfasts.

Several years have passed since these were taken.

I remember those years as being very full . . . and often, very tiring for me . . . but I wouldn't change the country lifestyle of raising sheep and chickens, and having horses in the back yard . . . gardening, canning, picking berries and making jams and pies . . . Lots of time spent reading books and doing crafts . . . playing outdoors in the snow or taking nature walks down country roads or in the woods behind the house . . .

Those years seem so long ago . . .
They were good years . . . a dream-of-being-Mom come true . . . and I am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pics of the kids! What great years your kids had in the country... it doesn't get much better than that.

    It does seem a long time ago, doesn't it? Sometimes I sure miss those days and all the laughter. Oh sure there were tears too, but funny how we remember the fun times more than the bad times. :)


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